Friday, October 19, 2012

Where the heart is...

They say that "home is where the heart is." Let me tell you, right now my heart is not at the ceramic studio. It's at home. At my little space in my apartment. I'm not sure what hit me. Maybe it's the wonderful weather. Or maybe it's because I'm getting older (24 in about 2 weeks...). Whatever the reason, I just want to be at home making hats, blankets, cooking, baking, and cleaning and organizing. Every day I have someplace to be before 9 am (with the exception of most Fridays) and I usually have to be out till 9 pm or much later. I don't often get to be home. I am getting really tired of this kind of schedule. All I want is to be home.
But, it's just not the schedule I've been given for now. And I likely won't have it till after I graduate. School is so incredibly demanding. And working adds to the busyness too. There is no point in being angry about this. But while I'm at school pining away for a domestic existence I intend to make objects for the domestic setting...home. So get ready to see more pie plates. Vases. Dessert dishes. And whatever else I decide that I want in my domestic setting someday.

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